Restaurants and hostelry
In this page you will find the list of the accommodations, bars and restaurants of the Valley of Àger.

973 455 235 / 687 536 571
Allotjament rural, Hotel, Apartaments, Restaurant

Camí de Coll d’Ares s/n

973 455 047
Apartaments turístics, pizzeria

Carrer Soldevila, 15

685 114 892

973 455 046
Allotjament turístic

Carrer Sant Martí, 5

644 862 320

Bars and restaurants

973 455 172
Allotjament rural, Hotel, Apartaments, Restaurant

Camí de Coll d’Ares s/n

973 455 047

Apartaments turístics, pizzeria

Carrer Soldevila, 15

685 114 892

973 292 032

Adreça: Carrer afores s/n

973 455 078