Hermitages and towers

Sanctuary of the Mare de Déu of Colobor
Sanctuary of the 16th and 17th centuries. A large hermitage and house that served as a hostel to accommodate pilgrims and herds who came and went from Pallars.
Hermitage of the Mare de Déu of Pedra
Hermitage of the 11th and 17th centuries. The small Romanesque castral church attached to the east of the current 17th-century temple, which became a sanctuary, remains from the 11th century. The original image of the Virgin of Pedra was destroyed in the Civil War.

Hermitage of Santa Elena
Hermitage of the 15th century of Romanesque tradition. People went there to bless the district. A very ancient place of worship. It is known that in the 18th century witches still came there for covens.
Mare de Déu of Pertusa
Romanesque hermitage from the 11th-12th centuries. It is located within the remains of an advanced fortress defending the castle of St. Llorenç blocking the way to the valley. There was a village below.

Sant Pere Màrtir
Hermitage of the XVII-XVIII centuries, of popular rural architecture, very reformed in the modern time.
It occupies a place of a very ancient devotion. A cemetery was discovered near the hermitage where the remains of two medieval tombs from the 12th century can be seen.
Santíssima trinitat
13th century hermitage built in the Romanesque way. It was a place where the term was blessed at the start of the spring.

Santa Eugènia
A 12th century Romanesque hermitage. It was abandoned during the Carlist wars and now restored, making the roof, which was made of slabs, with roof tiles.
Sant Llobí
Hermitage renovated in the 18th century. The eighteenth-century house that includes the sanctuary is interesting.
It welcomed the devotees who came twice a year asking for healing or protection for the flocks and animals.

Chapel of Calvary
From the 17th century. Inside there are interesting mural paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries of popular and rural style, dedicated to the passion and death of Christ.
Towers of Cas
Christian watchtowers from the 11th and 12th centuries.

Islamic watchtower
It was build in the 10th century, in the 11th century it was reutilized by the christians.
Tower of Fontdepou
Romanesque watchtower from the 11th century. It was part of an ancient fortress.